Insurance ERP Africa

The system will streamline business processes and make it easier and more efficient for company to collect data, no matter what department they’re working in

erp insurance africa

Data security isn’t a worry when you have an enterprise resource planning solution in place. A new system will improve the accuracy, consistency, and security of data, all through built-in resources and firewalls. Restrictions to data can also be enhanced by managers of the solution, so you can make your own software as secure as you’d like.

ERP software will make reporting easier and more customizable. With improved reporting capabilities, your company can respond to complex data requests more easily.

Some key uses of ERP will be

1. Quote management
2. Customer management
3. Claim management
4. Invoice entry
5. Reporting

ERP solution

1. Salesman/Agent/Broker: This will cater to manage quotes, generate quote, manage KYC doc, and request claims.
2. Underwriter: This will cater evaluate risk, validate KYC doc, check reassurance, request Account Dept. to raise invoice and Amend Policy.
3. Claim Dept: This will cater case assessment, approve/disapprove claims, and request settlement to Account Dept.
4. Surveyor: This will cater Assess nature of Accident in claim,
5. Account Dept: This will cater Invoice generation, prepare settlement and payment,
6. CRM: This will cater customer data and lead management.
7. Document Management
8. Reports
9. Admin Panel

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