Cards Risk and Fraud Training

Risk and Fraud

This Course aims at mastering the latest tools, information, and best practices Issuers and Acquirers need to effectively manage their fraud risk and mitigate fraud losses while improving their fraud management capabilities. This two days course examines the business skills, knowledge and critical thinking needed to manage the core risks and techniques available for identifying, managing and controlling fraud losses. Through presentations, exercises and case studies attendees will have the opportunity to discuss fraud issues and find the best practices based on the Card Network rules and regulations and be well prepared against all the risk and fraud trends.




Become a Champion in understanding the requirements of the chargeback framework and how to effectively manage disputes. A step-by-step guide of the Issuing and Acquiring chargeback process, which covers the operating rules.. Hands On training on the various case studies, while empowering critical reasoning and decision taking through all stages of the chargeback cycle. The training also provides guidance on Issuing and Acquiring chargeback best practices as well as the mitigation of financial losses.

1. Cards Risk Management



Overview of Cards Risk Business

Risk Impacts & Effects of Fraud

Maximizing cards profits by minimizing losses

Fraud Trends

Risk Management Communication

Fraud Resource Capability

Compliance / Programs

2. Cards Risk Detection



Cards Risk Detection

Fraud Monitoring Strategy

Fraud Monitoring Tools

Cards Security Features

Fraud Trends

Monitoring Parameters

Fraud Follow up

3. Cards Risk Prevention



Cards Fraud Management Org

Fraud Team Vigilance

Card Call Centre’s Role

Card Issuance and Safe Keeping

Types of ATM fraud scams and its mitigation

Customer’s KYC

Cardholder’s Education

The Fraud Forum

4. Cards Risk Resolution



Recovery Strategy

Pre Recovery Techniques

Chargebacks and Compliance

Chargebacks Reason Codes

Fraud Recovery

Fraud Reporting


5. Cards Chargeback



Dispute Resolution Process

Chargeback Life Cycle

Parties involved in Chargeback Life Cycle

Chargeback Reason Codes

Understanding Jurisdictions and Rule Differences

Visa Resolve Online